Each of our gymnastics classes focuses on progressions and safety in the skills they perform. Therefore, you can expect your child to be in a class for 6-9 months. Please note that everyone learns at a different pace, so their time in a class may vary.
What to wear: Please refrain from camisoles, bras as shirts, and tank tops with large open holes, or sports bras only.
New to Perfect Balance? Need more Information?
Give us a call at 330-645-6850 and ask about a FREE trial class!
Within this class our Junior Jammers will have TONS OF FUN learning, while working to gain basic gymnastics concepts, coordination, large and small motor skill movement and how to participate in a class. Parents are expected to assist coaches in this class as part of a support system for their athlete as well as the instructor.
Welcome to the world of the 3-year-old! Many times, these children want to be independent but have a familiar face by their side. Tweets is a transition class where the child and adult are in class together. This is for newer 3-year-olds, and more structured than Mom & Me.
Throughout the sessions, the adult slowly steps back and eventually the child is on his/her own and the adult is removed from the class. This will take a session or two.
This is the first class in which your athletes can venture into the PS area on their own. However, 3-year-olds have been known to be strong willed when it comes to following direction. If this is the case, you may be asked to step in and SUPPORT THE COACH. Please remember that safety is our utmost concern within our program and we are working to provide the BEST possible class for every Jammer.
When it comes to 4-year-old classes, ours puts the FANTASTIC in GYMNASTIC! Within this class our Jammers will work to improve agility, balance, coordination and large and small motor skill development. Additionally, Jammers will work to improve body awareness and skill development.
Rounding out our Junior Jammers PS program is our Big Kid Kinder Class for 5-year-olds. This is your Jammer’s inauguration into the world of the Big Gym! This class works to give all JAMMERS a great foundation to MOVE UP and BEYOND in the world of gymnastics as well as a way to be the best athletes they can be in any chosen sport.
MONDAY 3:00PM – 8:00PM
TUESDAY 3:00PM – 8:00PM
THURSDAY 3:00PM – 8:00PM